Oct 31, 2022
Hello Friends and welcome to another week of life! I hope you had a good weekend! Happy Halloween and Happy Birthday to me!
Thanks so much for listening to todays show where I recap a wild weekend in news and welcome Maura Quint for another great talk.
Stand Up is a daily podcast that I book,host,edit, post and...
Oct 28, 2022
Hello There and thank you for stopping by todays show notes. I think you will love both of my guests and the conversations I had with them and if you don't you should email me and tell me why and I will do my best to get back to you! StandUpwithPete@gmail
I know there are a billion podcasts but this one is def the...
Oct 27, 2022
Hello and Welcome to today's show which I think you will love because it's so great! I am happy to welcome Steven Holden for he first time and hope he will win in NY 24 on Nov 8 and Wajahat Ali is as GREAT as always
Please subscribe to the show so I can do it again tomorrow.
Check out StandUpwithPete.com to learn more
Oct 26, 2022
Hello and welcome to today's show notes. I have 2 awesome guests on today's show. For the first time on Stand Up I have Karla Hernandez who is running mates with Charlie Crist in Florida but before that I caught up with the always excellent Bill Boyle on dirty bombs , midterms and why he doesn't watch the debates
Oct 25, 2022
Hey Y'all!
So Ryan Busse reached out to me and pitched the idea that he and Professor Eric Segall join me to talk about guns and the courts and I said "When?!" It was as I thought it would be. Awesome and informative. I re cap the news and admit a horrible mistake then get to my guests. I hope you like it! Please rate...