Jan 8, 2025
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25 mins Professor Nicholas Grossman is Senior Editor of Arc Digital. Poli sci prof at U. Illinois. Author "Drones and Terrorism." Politics, national security, culture, and occasional nerdery.
Arc Digital: We’re an independent media site founded in 2016. Since the very beginning, we’ve stood for responsible intellectual pluralism. The “pluralism” part means we’re committed to publishing a variety of perspectives, while the “responsible” part means we set certain editorial parameters since all views aren’t equally plausible. We remain open to perspectives from across the spectrum while retaining important editorial constraints.
We are after the smartest takes on the issues most worth discussing, and we want to be the best destination for analysis and commentary around. Our areas of focus include politics, policy, social and cultural issues, world affairs, economics, science, technology, religion, and philosophy. As you can see, we strive to cover “all the pulses of the world,” as Walt Whitman once put it.
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