Feb 8, 2022
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30 minutes JL Cauvin is the best Trump impersonator in the world. He is also a very talented Stand Up Comic with who I have known for a long time. JL has recorded 6 stand up albums! J-L’s act is incredibly diverse and has led to six stand up albums: 2006′s Racial Chameleon, 2008′s Diamond Maker, 2012′s Too Big To Fail and 2013′s Keep My Enemies Closer, 2016’s Israeli Tortoise, which hit #1 on the iTunes comedy chart and his 2018 double album Thots & Prayers. He has also released two albums as Donald Trump: 2017’s Fireside Craps, an entire album as Donald Trump which hit #1 on the iTunes comedy chart and 2020’s Fireside Craps: The Deuce which went #1 on both Amazon and iTunes’ comedy charts and broke into the Top 40 on iTunes’ overall album charts.
JL is the host of 2 podcasts "Righteous Prick" and "Making Podcasts Great Again"
1:11 Heath Druzin is host and creator of the podcast Extremely American. From 2018-20, Druzin was a reporter at Boise State Public Radio for Guns & America, a national collaboration between 10 NPR affiliates that looked at the role of firearms in American life. Before that, he covered the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for Stars and Stripes newspaper.
Heath was Boise State Public Radio’s Guns & America fellow from 2018-2020, during which he focused on extremist movements, suicide prevention and gun culture.
His work has been featured on NPR’s Morning Edition, All Things Considered, and the BBC.
When he’s not reporting, you’ll probably find Heath in the mountains splitboarding, hiking, biking, flyfishing or soaking in a hot spring.
1:40 Carlo Sgro (a.k.a. Carlo From Canada at the Thursday hangouts) lives in New Hamburg, Ontario, Canada, a small town about an hour west of Toronto. He's been a fan of Pete's since the days of Pete's Big Mouth on Sirius's Indie Talk channel. Carlo married an American and loves following American politics, although the Trump years were definitely not enjoyable. Professionally, he's been a Professor of Software Engineering Technology at Conestoga College in Waterloo, Ontario (also about an hour west of Toronto) for the past 21 years. He'd love to see more Americans join his program so he can prepare them for a great career in software development! https://www.conestogac.on.ca/fulltime/software-engineering-technology/courses?id=22387 has more information about the program. He can be reached through Facebook at "Carlo Sgro" (the Canadian one, not the other ones) or on Twitter (@ThisOneCarlo).