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Stand Up! with Pete Dominick

Stand Up is a full length show featuring a comprehensive news recap and 2 guests almost everyday. We will talk about issues that matter to you, your health, the health of your family, community, country and planet. And we will try to laugh while we do it. The show posts Mon-Fri usually by 2am EST. Go to for more

Dec 30, 2019

Today's Question: How do you Deal with Anxiety and Depression? 

This is a question that I think I will be asking lots of my upcoming guests. There are so many different coping mechanisms to deal with adversity in your life. There are all kinds of different catalysts that can be the cause of anxiety and depression. My friend Wajahat Ali is a really smart and funny guy who I absolutely love. He is now a well known commentator and regular contributor on CNN and the NY Times. Watch his Amazing Ted Talk 

I was expecting to talk with him about his life, his daughters health as well as politics and the rise of hate in our country but somehow we ended up talking about my losing my job and the anxiety and depression that has come along with it.

We had a great conversation and I'm happy to have my issues out in the open and looking forward to being more honest, transparent and talking more about them as I navigate this difficult time in my life heading in to the new year

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I'm @petedominick