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Stand Up! with Pete Dominick

Stand Up is a full length show featuring a comprehensive news recap and 2 guests almost everyday. We will talk about issues that matter to you, your health, the health of your family, community, country and planet. And we will try to laugh while we do it. The show posts Mon-Fri usually by 2am EST. Go to for more

Dec 20, 2019

Episode 23 Question: Have you ever had an abortion ? Do you know a woman who has? 1 in 3 American women have terminated their pregnancy including my guest today.

While the abortion rate in the U.S. has hit a historic low, and for many years now Americans have been celebrating the decline in teenage pregnancy rates, Women's reproductive rights are under attack like no time since they got those rights after the Supreme Court decided on Roe v Wade

Lizz Winstead talks about it all and more. 

We’ll  also get Impeachment reaction from from Con Law Professor "The Legal Eagle" Eric Segall, Boston Globe columnist Michael Cohen, my new friend Bryan the trump supporter in Texas, Guns Down America's Igor Volsky and our old friend Bill B in DC

And as a bonus a will share a great reality check on Impeachment from CNN's John Avlon