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Stand Up! with Pete Dominick

Stand Up is a full length show featuring a comprehensive news recap and 2 guests almost everyday. We will talk about issues that matter to you, your health, the health of your family, community, country and planet. And we will try to laugh while we do it. The show posts Mon-Fri usually by 2am EST. Go to for more

Aug 31, 2020

Hey Guys

Please consider a paid subscription to this daily podcast. Everyday I will interview 2 or more expert guests on a wide range of issues. I will continue to be transparent about my life, issues and vulnerabilities in hopes we can relate, connect and grow together. Join the Stand Up Community

Derwyn Bunton is the 

Aug 28, 2020

Hi ! Please consider a paid subscription to this daily podcast 

Dr. Jack Hamilton is a professor of Media Studies at The University of Virginia. He is a cultural historian who studies sound, media, and popular culture, and his other areas of interest include film, sports, television, and journalism. His first book, Just...

Aug 27, 2020

Stand Up is a daily podcast. I book,host,edit and post new episodes with brilliant guests every day. Please subscribe now

Tim Wise  is among the most prominent anti-racist writers and activists in the U.S., and has been called, 'One of the most brilliant, articulate and courageous critics of white privilege in the...

Aug 26, 2020

Please sign up for a paid subscription to this daily podcast

Andrew Spar is vice president of the Florida Education Association (FEA), the state’s largest association of professional employees. He also serves as secretary-treasurer for the Florida AFL-CIO.

Andrew was born and raised in the suburbs of New York...

Aug 25, 2020

Hey Guys

I hope you have signed up for a paid subscription For today's show I reached out to 2 listeners and also invited Dr Jason Johnson to join me along with his mom who also has a PHD. I played Congresswoman Katie Porter's questioning of our scumbag Postmaster General and a lot more. I put a lot in to these 2 hours...