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Stand Up! with Pete Dominick

Stand Up is a full length show featuring a comprehensive news recap and 2 guests almost everyday. We will talk about issues that matter to you, your health, the health of your family, community, country and planet. And we will try to laugh while we do it. The show posts Mon-Fri usually by 2am EST. Go to for more

Mar 30, 2021

Stand Up is a daily podcast. I book,host,edit, post and promote new episodes with brilliant guests every day. I have one sponsor which is an awesome nonprofit for more but Please subscribe now for as little as 5$ and gain access to a community of over 800 awesome, curious, kind, funny,...

Mar 29, 2021

Frank White is an activist who has worked on several political campaigns over the last few years. He worked to help John Kerry in 2004 then Hillary in 2016 and Biden and NC Democrats in 2020.

After doing such great work in DNC Frank was asked to help Dems win the runoff in Georgia and that is just what he did


Mar 26, 2021

Stand Up is a daily podcast. I book,host,edit, post and promote new episodes with brilliant guests every day. I have one sponsor which is an awesome nonprofit for more but Please subscribe now for as little as 5$ and gain access to a community of over 800 awesome, curious, kind, funny,...

Mar 25, 2021

From Judd Legum's About section at

Popular Information is written by me, Judd Legum. I spent a decade following politics obsessively as the founder and editor of ThinkProgress. According to Wikipedia, I’ve “drawn notice for reporting and commentary on a range of political topics.”

I also have...

Mar 24, 2021

Lizz Winstead, Abortion Access Front’s founder and chief creative officer, is one of the top political satirists working today.

As co-creator and head writer of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show,” she forever changed the way people get their news.

In 2004, Winstead also co-founded Air America Radio, while...